The future of the market cannot be accurately predicted by anyone. The only thing that investors can use to increase your profits in the stock exchange is the consistent trading rules of the stock market. Profits are not made by your predictions of market winners, but by "being able to sell your stockpile in time to minimise losses when you lose money", which is the biggest difference between a realist and an analyst.Traders do not invest in stocks to lose money, but to make profits, and as many as possible: when stocks move in your favour, investors need to invest less to reduce the risk of loss; when stocks move against you, sell stored stocks in time to minimise losses.
But many investors will focus on choosing the exact point of the stock to buy when making investments, because they think that this will maximize their profits, in fact, this is a wrong investment thinking, in the stock market, there is no completely normal stock exact point, most of the profitable people are going to reduce their investment risk, so as to gain profits in it, so why investors are focusing on the exact point of the stock?
Investors always want to choose to buy a stock when it is at its lowest price, and they believe that they can make a profit if they choose to buy a low-priced stock. Inability to tolerate normal price retracements.The most idiotic person in this world is the kind of person who thinks he has discovered the truth that no one else can. One of the keys to the overall inability of many people to realize an increase in capital is that he cannot afford a pullback in the stock price, in fact, short-term stock price appreciation is not your profit at all, and no one wants lower profits. Losing some profits because of lower stock prices, but also gaining greater profits, which is an integral part of the trend.
The stop loss amount is set very small. The amount of loss is something you can control, while profit needs to be supported by the market. Investors cannot buy or sell according to their own thinking, but let the actual trend decide whether to buy or sell.Regardless of the use of any rule as a trading model, it is important to consider one thing, that is, whether this rule strategy, placed in a relatively long period of time to achieve the growth of capital equity, rather than take a few trading days in isolation or a certain transaction of chance, as the basis for your transactions.
A mature trader does not think there is a unique secret to trading, even the most profitable trading strategies will be made public sooner or later, being able to resist the constant temptation to keep your faith is the only difference between a winner and a loser, there is no other secret.